My daughter fell asleep and took a nap yesterday!
Oh I see you do not realize the importance of my statement. . . Getting my little girl to take a nap is a HUGE deal! You’d think when she was exhausted it would become an easier task but NO OOO Way! She will not go to sleep.
I have spent many a hours just to get her to sleep for one hour. So let’s do the math . . . I lose 2 hours trying to get her to lay still just to achieve sleep for one hour. That is a negative 3 hours in dish washing, sweeping, bill paying, online shopping, working. . . you understand don’t you parents?
Should I tell you how I got her to take the nap yesterday? Well first of all, I didn’t try to get her to lay down in the bed to take the nap, instead I laid down on my bed while she was playing. Then, after she crawled under my bed to play there was silence. I called out to her and she didn’t answer. Sure enough, she was under the bed sleeping away like a baby.
What was I thinking all these years? What was wrong with me? Why on earth did I try to have my daughter sleep on the bed when she was clearly meant to sleep under the bed! Shame on me and my inside the box mothering right?!
After I got over my motherhood hysteria of the enormous clumps of dust bunnies attaching to my sleeping child’s body, I was really grateful to God that she finally took a nap. She needed one badly and to top it all off she woke up in a really good mood. Normally when she takes the traditional nap (sleeping on a bed not under) as rare as that is – she would wake up very very grumpy. Once again my daughter and God have worked together to make me go a little nuts during the process of teaching me a life lesson.
Sometimes we all have a habit of trying to get things done in a “traditional” or common way. And sometimes that isn’t going to work. God wants us open-minded enough to leave those doors of opportunity open for him to do the work for us. He is the one and only who can get the impossible done! And anyone who has a little active tyke knows exactly what I mean when I say the impossible! I really feel like some people are deaf to hear about Jesus or God or even to hear about just love in general in our world today. Forcing the issue isn’t as conducive as subtlety. I have found that as I try to force, push, or over-enhance Christian ideas I’m really just somewhat embarrassing myself and coming across too radical. (I know what you are thinking ! Me too radical NAHHH! lol) I picture God sitting up in the clouds with his hands over his eyes and forehead just kind of shaking his head and grinning at me kind of getting in the way of his “new” way of enlightening the whole situation.
Times when I drive in high gear straight at a mountain I tend to burn my own motor out
before I even get near my summit goal. I gotta keep it in low gear sometimes. Not be as bold, as stubborn, as “my own idea only” – ist, God has a plan and it may be something different than what I’m used to doing. He’s the lead and I’m to follow whether it be on a bed or under it. Let’s not all be “Well that’s not how ya do it! You can’t get it done that way!” Stop worrying about a little dust under the bed, get out of your comfort zone God works in his own ways and they are ways unknown by us.
It’s amazing to me how little of my time I’ve spent in the last few months just sitting back relaxing and trying to shut up and hear what God’s plan is and what he thinks I should be doing about dinner, the economy, my work, my children, and especially how I should get my kid down for a much needed nap. One thing is for sure, God doesn’t have to show me a new unconventional way to get me to take a nap! A nap is like a box chocolates . . . You never know how much you love it until you get one.
Born in Oklahoma and grew up there. Attended college and I have lived in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and now Florida again. I have been writing since I was a young teenager. I have children's books ( Where Is Grandpa? and Huggin' Jesus), novels, columns, and other works in progress. My latest novel is called "Famous By Default" and it is a romantic comedy. It is the first book in a 3 book series. . . Please stay tuned!
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