Important update regarding book purchases. . .

I have been avoiding typing this post. I would like everyone to be aware that I have been battling with my publisher for some time now for them to honor their contract. Now for the past couple of months author friends of mine and news stations have been telling a vast explosion of troubles with Tate Publishing. I feel obligated to let my readers know this unfortunate situation. If you are interested in any of my books contact me directly. It is sad to say that I am not likely to see any due royalties come my way. I have filed a formal complaint with the State’s attorney’s office and last I heard there were more than 150 filed already.
For those not in the publishing industry I have to tell you it is extremely frustrating and cutthroat. I had always had a goal of my children’s books being published only to help some child somewhere somehow some day . .it was not for monetary reasons that I published. My hope still remains that is the case despite the unfairness and difficulties in the Christian Publishing world.
So if you have purchased my books through Amazon or any other common retailers. I thank you despite the outcome. And if you would like to order my books in the future please let me know. In addition if you know of anyone who would benefit from having my books contact me as well.
About wendydawn 65 Articles
Born in Oklahoma and grew up there. Attended college and I have lived in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and now Florida again. I have been writing since I was a young teenager. I have children's books ( Where Is Grandpa? and Huggin' Jesus), novels, columns, and other works in progress. My latest novel is called "Famous By Default" and it is a romantic comedy. It is the first book in a 3 book series. . . Please stay tuned!

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