Yep. As a child I‘m sure you have said those magical phrases when your mom or dad prompted you before you got in trouble. Now you probably are the parent looking down on your own child as they say “Shoulda listened to what you told me . . . No I didn’t do what I was supposed to . . ” on the Sunday night before their classroom project was to be turned in with none of the said project even being started. One of my favorite comedians, Brian Regan, has a bit that he performs. He says he goes to his doctor and he feels like a little kid getting in trouble when he discusses his cholesterol. Nothing has changed in his cholestorol levels since the last time he saw his doctor basically because he ( the patient) hadn’t done anything different than the last time the doctor told him to get healthier. It’s funnier seeing Mr. Regan execute the joke than me trying to overexplain it in this post.
So, here I am, once again admitting my stupidity during another event in which God told me to do and I didn’t do what I was supposed to . . .I never seem to run out of examples?! Go figure! It was getting close to bedtime; my husband was entertaining my daughter and as I passed my office a little voice inside my head said “Hey! Well, here’s your chance. .. ! Go type a new post right now while you can . . . Remember you had that idea about ——– you were going to put in the next column.” In my head I replied, “YEA yes! Let’s get to it then. I wanna do the right thing! I certainly don’t want to miss this moment of inspiration and uninterruptedness!” (like that’s even a word – hey in my head you can get away with practically anything . . . moving along now) Yet about 5 minutes later I was already laying in my bed, tired, sleepy, and completely lacking any kind of motivation except holding the tv remote in my hand. “You better at least write the idea down before you forget it if you’re not going to bother writing the whole story you lazy slug (murmur)” I didn’t even do that either, but I did go to sleep and just like you are going to predict I woke up in the morning with not even one tiny fragment to remind me of what that idea was that God had given me to write about last night. This kind of thing goes on in everyone’s lifetime right? So I try to tell myself.
Last night I watched some of the Brett Baier special on Benghazi . . . you think those guys listen to God? Pretty sure they do . . . Pretty sure they listen to God and act accordingly on the mark too unlike some leaders of our country who don’t listen to God much less know him. After watching their stories and being reminded of the constant courage and bravery shown by our soldiers and those who are related to them or who mourn those they lost all of them connected to any kind of combat, military action, and servitude what blessings those men and women are to us. What an unfair and corrupt world we live in when our veterans have less afforded them than an illegal immigrant who sneaks into our country to start a terrorist root or another lost individual who just tries to ride that smooth train of entitlement that some do. Yuck. How disgusted are you guys when you watch the news these days and how do you deal with it? I don’t know that I am managing. I will say I do know one thing. Horrible news and ignorant people aside God still tells me what I am supposed to do and when. I just don’t always do it. No matter how small it may to readers, other bloggers, other Christians, atheists, and even myself if God speaks I better listen. I may not be on the front lines in these battles which is probably a good thing, but if God tells me to write about something that is the least I can do. No matter what God’s love is the most important news out there in our world, in our galaxy, in these times more now than ever. I do not put off what I’m told, question what I hear, or dismiss his commands without being ashamed. He speaks through all of us Christians in one way or another whether it may seem inconsequential or not. Let us be bold. Let us be political. Let us be proud, brave, and respondent. Let us be God’s children and share his love and message in anyway he wants us to . . .who knows where the smallest seed will fall into dirt and begin to grow a new flower from that tiny beginning.
I’m just wondering if you have figured out the rest of this post before you’ve finished reading it. Yeah you guessed it right. All the time, God is good. Here I submit to you that I lost the idea I had been given to write about originally and out came a column from my lack of discipline anyhow . . . kind of makes you wonder doesn’t it? Maybe this is the message God had wanted me to write all along. See even when you are as old as the hills you should never stop learning from your mistakes especially when you are really good at repeating them.
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