Taylor’s new song . . .

I have been so bad about writing lately. . .I apologize.   I decided to post the lyrics to song that my 9 year old daughter wrote a few weeks ago.  She really surprised me and it was so nice to see a unique look into her ideas about loving the Lord.


“Noticed”   copyright 2017 Taylor Kate Brindley

Sitting out in the crowd never to be heard or seen, except by you.

Cause you my friend, are the reason I love. . .

Cause you my faith are the reason I live.


Because of you I will stand higher than anyone else,

Because you my friend I love you.

No matter how small or out numbered I will be with you!

But . . .there isn’t just me.  We will stand!

Together around you. . .And we will go on stage to show your existence.  Because We Love You!  Our God!


About wendydawn 65 Articles
Born in Oklahoma and grew up there. Attended college and I have lived in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and now Florida again. I have been writing since I was a young teenager. I have children's books ( Where Is Grandpa? and Huggin' Jesus), novels, columns, and other works in progress. My latest novel is called "Famous By Default" and it is a romantic comedy. It is the first book in a 3 book series. . . Please stay tuned!

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